
pregnant? yes or no? millions of women and girls take these tests and see postive....what will you do?

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

This again???!!

      OK everyone the article I just read had to different point of views because I love to heard what other people have to say about things. One point of view was how people as in “Doctors” said...that why should a unborn human have protection on their life…ok now this is coming from a doctors point of view right…how can people talk like that? As if they basically don't care about anyone else but themselves. Am I right because if I'm wrong please let me know. OK and the other point of view was basically against abortions. Now I believe women and girls,..... now, I have to say girls because the abortions rate in woman's today is more in the teenage line. Such as 10years old and up, now where their parents were at when all of this was going on I would luv to know. What is going on it the world today????? Has women and girls gotten so selfish that they only care about themselves? Now also the article was that some states are really trying to put an end to abortions(and I hope they do). Ive said it before and ill say it again I don’t care how old or young you maybe! If you feel that you are grown enough to lay down and have sex..then there shouldn’t be a problem with you taking care of that child..The child didn’t ask to be here but you and your partner made it happen.                                                     Even if you don’t want your baby you can still go the 9months with it and give it away to a church, hospital, fire department, police stations etc.give it away to people who want to have kids that are going to love that baby more than you will. And to protect yourself use a condom and if you feel that a condom cant protect you that good from getting pregnant then use birthcontroll. There are so many ways to help you and trust me your friends and family will respect you a lot better by giving the baby away then to kill it. I believe that every baby inside a stomach should have a right to live. Because what if that was your mom and she didn’t care nothing for you and then killed you. How would you have felt about it.?!(because babies inside of you can hear what your saying..and who knows for sure what they can and cant heard nor understand) All I'm saying is for the pregnant mothers out their just get smart on things you can do if you don’t want the baby but keep abortions out of you desitions.


  1. I agree with you, life shouldnt be given away and treated like their nothing. But what happen if the girl got raped and didnt plan to have a child. Im pretty sure she would want a abortion, cause she doesnt have the money to support it. Theres alot of reasons for abortions but banning it can cause a problem as to go to another state or country to get it done.

  2. I agree with you because they can use protection or birthcontrol instead of killing the baby. If they don't want to keep the baby or if they don't have the money to afford they can always give it to someone that wants a baby but cant have one. There is many options other than killing a live. But at the same time people don't want to go through the whole 9 month process to give a baby away it'll be hard.



how many babies does it take for the mothers that abort their babies to understand that it hurts not only you but others too!

young pregnant teen

young pregnant teen
why give someones life away just like that